"You can change your surrounding from within, Become who you are by what you think of most"
I am just a girl from South Central Ca., who became the woman she dream of. I believed I was destiny for more than my surrounding of drugs abuse, teen pregnancy, poverty mindset, lack of structure and guidance. Yet, I could always see myself helping others get out of troubled situations of what i experienced domestic violence, gangs, and survival remorse. I have overcome it all. now I want to enough and support your on your journey to healing.
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else"
Booker T. Washington
Work experience
[2020] - [present]
[Designs by Sommer ]
[2016] - [present]
[Issa Instructor]
[Personal Trainer]
[2017] - [2020]
[Campus Vote Project Mentor]
[Voter Outreach]
[2016] - [2020]
[Miami Dade College]
Copywrite 2023 @coachsommer
Disclaimer all advise is informational. If you need a license therapist resources can be provided. This site is to motivate you and give you strategies to implement into your daily routine.